Tuesday, August 23, 2005

making use of the web

There seems to have been an explosion of free internet services, the ones I'm aware of are taking advantage of Flickr's apparently open database policy (a trend I'd like to see, and expect to see, repeated across many of the world's big, and upcoming, social websites), Google's various projects (maps, gmail*, blogger, adwords/sense etc. etc.), and popularity in interface/database concepts such as folksonomy/tagging (del.icio.us), wikis (wikipedia) and other technologies designed to enrich the cooperative aspect of the web.
Now seems like too good an opportunity to miss, maybe akin to the .com era of yesteryear, but this time I feel like it's going to be at least a little more sustainable (especially so, given that I'm well aware that I'm no early adopter here!). The internet is turning into an enormous, and multi-faceted, cooperative resource. Taking part in that seems like a very attractive option.
The choice, however, is bewildering.
Should be an interesting ride!
*feel free to contact me for a gmail invite :)

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