a brief manifesto (for myself)
The computing substrate seems to be improving at an ever increasing rate. But there are some things that I think need improving, some on the level of user education, others technological. Here are a few that spring to mind:
- Provision of parallel architectures that are actually properly designed
We have amazing bleeding edge facilities nowadays. Progress is rampant, and in all directions, like bacterial colonies on agar jelly. We have various standards groups like the W3C trailing behind doing their best to mop up the spillage, but how good is it? The ideas mill is in overdrive, now all we need is groups to set these ideas in their proper places.
I'm not advocating design fascism, but I am advocating the more widespread rolling out of bulletproof architectures that the military wouldn't be afraid to use.
The secret to success is to realise that there are only a very few tricks in the book, but that those tricks are extremely powerful. The ideas mills churn out specific permuations. Someone needs to run along behind spotting the underlying patterns, and making simple but highly generalised tools that the rest of us can use without wading through piles of barely distinguishable competing 'standards' and hacks.
Any contenders that I'm not aware of yet?
- Data awareness
Our data shadows are burgeoning. Technologies need to be developed that protect our data, and maximise its effectiveness. I have separate user profiles on multiple social websites. When will I be able to store my profile locally, and allow websites to access it when I wish, and allow them to store their own copies only if I allow them to? Decent data management would make the computing substrate so much more useful. I wouldn't have old data all over the internet crying out to be maintained. I could participate in a far wider variety of stuff. Service providers could concentrate on what they were good at, not on recollecting all the various data that everyone is tired of giving for the umpteenth time anyway.
- Better documentation
All due respect to the wikis of this world. But the linking systems are beginning to show their age. We need real databases with real tagging systems, and proper diagram support. Why are we still relying on bitmaps on the web? Macromedia's solution is a poor stopgap. What happened to SVG? A few more diagrams would help reduce the mess the ideas machine spews out, and improve quality for us all.